Friday, September 21, 2007

Always get a second opinion

I was in an auto accident last June. I came up to a stop sign on my scooter and stopped. The guy behind me planned on running it and slammed into me at full speed. Put me in the hospital for a month and a half. Did you guys know you lose 3% of your muscles a day laying in bed?

I have been going to the doctor's office at least every other day to have my neck and back worked on, but my shoulder kept giving me trouble. The doc took an MRI and told me that there was water in the joint, whatever the fuck that means. The stupid prick didn't know what the hell he was looking at and just made that shit up. Since it still hurts, I went to a different doc yesterday and they were able to diagnose my problem in a few seconds.

It looks like I will be having surgery on my shoulder next month. I am taking it slow on the challenge for the next 2-3 weeks to make sure I don't aggravate the injury further.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Random Thoughts

I made the rounds and put up a few posts on peoples blogs today, so in case they come around and read mine, I will put up some new content. Just a few thoughts I have had rattling around in my head. Hot quite as basic as the shape of a tortillia, but some of them are out there.

Random Thought 1: Muscle soreness.
Holy cow. I really cranked up the intensity today. Sprints, Week 2 work out, and a scaled down version of my usual work out. My hardest day to date. I am stiff and sore as hell! What is going on here? I haven't been this sore this fast since high school. Usually it takes me 2 days for my muscles to even let me know they are alive.
My wife has been exercising along with me and she noticed the same thing. Most of our other work outs haven't been this intense, so we weren't that stiff, just the general soreness of walking 3Kilos a day and working out a bit.
We decided that out bodies must be getting younger. BOOYA! This has got to be a good thing. I also found a line on my arm I haven't seen since High School. Now to work those triceps a bit harder.

Random Thought 2: Penis Length
Losing weight is the fastest, best and only 100% proven way to make your penis longer. Don't believe me? Feel around the base, feel spongy?. If you can pinch an inch on your gut, you aren't feeling bone there. The more fat you lose, the less that area is built up, and the more of the prostate gland is out of the body.
The prostate is attached, and pretty much doesn't move. If you gain weight and your gut grows outward, that only eats up the area around the base of your wing wang. Lose the weight, gain the length.

Well, those were my two random thoughts for the evening. Hopefully I will have some pics up by tomorrow.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My Wife Loves Bombers

We did the exercises from week two together today. Here is the video for my readers who aren't doing the abs challenge:

It came from Arnel's second week of his 16 weeks to 6-pack abs video journal.

We had a nice sugary frozen Popsicle to spike our insulin levels followed by a creatine shake. I finally found the proper way to take creatine, after a few years of waisting money. I did not realize that you basically pee out all of the supplements you take if done improperly. That is all for today. I am taking tomorrow off, then probably joining the gym on Monday for some weight lifting.

I haven't written about the dogs lately either. They are driving me nuts. Ten little piranhas! Stick your finger in the cage and they chomp it, dump in a side of raw beef and they devour it in less than 3.5 seconds. Evil incarnate. They won't let me sleep, check email, or even think.

Ahhhh, I feel much better about them now that I ranted a bit. In two weeks we will start in earnest to find families for them and I am sure I will miss the little guys. They are pretty cute when not gnawing on my toes. Anyone need a half Irish Setter 1/4 Labrador, 1/4 Retriever mix puppy?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am doing my own diet this week. It is based on one that is freely available from the musashi web site. Musashi is an Australian company that sells supplements. Here is the site: and here is a direct link to that menu :

Basically it is a low calorie high protein menu. I will only be doing it for a week, as the low calories can't be that good, and it is not a sustainable diet. There are about 950 calories a day there, and that is fine for some short term gains but not for a long term strategy.

I have had some trouble finding the actual work outs on Arnels site, so I have been doing one from Men's Health. It is the pull out titled the 'Greatest Abs Workout Ever'. My wife and I have been doing it for a week and a half now, and there are already visible results. My pants feel bigger.

I am not noticing much of a weight drop. I think that I might actually be gaining muscle while losing fat because although the scale is not showing much change, my gut sure is. I am going to add cardio this weekend, and to that end I got a copy of Billy's Boot Camp. It is huge here in Japan, and it is actually a pretty tough workout.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

My Goals

Hello to the few people who read this. I am not sure about how long I will keep this blog up and running, but while I am working on it, I though I would outline my goals and reasons for starting it.

Goal 1: Get fit, specifically I want a 6 pack. Kick ass abs. Looking better naked.

Goal 2: Raise a liter of 10 puppies

For goal one, I signed up for a 16 week competition. The idea came in an email I got last week. I have been doing exercises 3 nights a week lately, and winning $300 for doing the same things I am doing seemed like a good enough motivator. A link to this site : came across in a motivational email I subscribe to. Take a read. It is a bit cheesy, but I think there are enough people there in the competition to keep things interesting.

My dog had 10 puppies two weeks ago. They are all black, except for one we call star. She has a white star on her belly. 10 puppies need a lot of milk, and my dog isn't producing enough, so we get to bottle feed them every night. They are walking now, so soon they will be able to drink from their own bowl and eat food.

Over the next week, I will pick up a web cam and get some pictures of my abs today, and the puppies up through out this blog.