Sunday, September 2, 2007

My Goals

Hello to the few people who read this. I am not sure about how long I will keep this blog up and running, but while I am working on it, I though I would outline my goals and reasons for starting it.

Goal 1: Get fit, specifically I want a 6 pack. Kick ass abs. Looking better naked.

Goal 2: Raise a liter of 10 puppies

For goal one, I signed up for a 16 week competition. The idea came in an email I got last week. I have been doing exercises 3 nights a week lately, and winning $300 for doing the same things I am doing seemed like a good enough motivator. A link to this site : came across in a motivational email I subscribe to. Take a read. It is a bit cheesy, but I think there are enough people there in the competition to keep things interesting.

My dog had 10 puppies two weeks ago. They are all black, except for one we call star. She has a white star on her belly. 10 puppies need a lot of milk, and my dog isn't producing enough, so we get to bottle feed them every night. They are walking now, so soon they will be able to drink from their own bowl and eat food.

Over the next week, I will pick up a web cam and get some pictures of my abs today, and the puppies up through out this blog.


Fitforfree NJ said...

Sounds great. We shall keep each other motivated. I am in the contest too, not to win the $$, but to win the new body.

MeJustMe said...

wining prize is $100 i think.
But its not about the money.

Like to see some pics - urs and the pippies!

Turbo said...

Not about the money?!! I want the cash baby. I plan on spending it on four pounds of sweet milk chocolate! And a pepperoni pizza.

MeJustMe said...

LOL, nice one!
Nah, If i get it I will probably order myself abs atack T-shirt and maybe buy some more equipment.